Dzire Bath Fittings


DZIRE Bath Fittings has emerged as an esteemed brand for manufacturing and designing wide array of bathroom taps and fittings. Over the time, the design and quality of bathroom fittings and taps have changed. At present, everyone looks for modern bathroom accessories and being one of the prominent bathroom taps manufacturers, we are successfully catering to these requirements in India. We work on the overall quality of the bathroom taps including its quality, look, and functioning, and that is what makes the best among all. With our aim to deliver excellence, we are utilizing the best craftsmanship for fabricating premium range of bathroom taps for every Indian bathroom. We believe that modular bathroom taps are not only required for resorts and hotels or shopping malls. That is why; we are designing elegant looking bathroom taps integrated with multiple features with long lasting durability. Being one of the leading taps manufacturers, it is our utmost priority to craft bathroom taps that deliver unwavering performance for several years. That is why our professionals ensure that we utilize superior grade stainless steel for manufacturing these. The steel metal is well-treated to offer resistivity from corrosion ensuring that the tap remains rust proof for several years. We offer smooth or matter finish bathroom taps to match the aesthetics of different types of bathrooms.

To offer convenience to our customers, we design bathroom taps that are easy to clean and offer resistivity to stains and scratches. Our taps are not only smooth from outside but they also have smooth finishing from inside for a seamless flow of water. At DZIRE Bath Fittings, we have exclusively designed bathroom taps that comes with both single and dual handles. It makes it easier for one to get both hot and cold water by getting them connected with geysers. This shows their excellent resistivity to different temperature making them more desirable taps for bathrooms. Our bathroom faucets can be easily mounted on walls or can be attached to the sinks. Being one of the best bathroom taps manufacturers, we always test the quality of the bathroom taps manufactured by us. We are ISO certified tap manufacturer and we strictly comply with the industrial standards and designs that are mandatory for manufacturing bathroom taps. All our bathroom taps can be easily installed and require low maintenance. The availability of different designs of bathroom taps with us makes it possible for our customers to choose the one they like the most or that matches the aesthetics of their bathrooms. The cost of each bathroom tap varies however, they are all available at nominal market prices.

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