Dzire Bath Fittings

Luxury Showers

Rain LED Showers

DZIRE Bath has emerged as a well-esteemed brand offering precisely crafted luxury bath fittings and accessories. Our luxury showers are one of them, and their compelling features and quality have made us one of the top-rated luxury showers manufacturers across India. We understand the need for modern bathrooms quite well, and that is what makes us fabricate these classy and luxury showers. We have been in the business of manufacturing luxury showers for a long and have achieved a hundred percent customer satisfaction. 

We believe in incorporating innovation and uniqueness in all the bath accessories we supply. That is why we are offering unique design luxury showers that are known for their premium design and finishing. At DZIRE Bath, we are known for offering luxury showers of different shapes and sizes to meet the aesthetic requirements of different modern bathrooms. We also customize our luxury showers on specific demands, depending on the requirements of our customers. Some of the luxury showers we deliver include rain led showers, body jets, combo showers, overhead showers, head showers, and a few more. Being one of the leading shower manufacturers in India, we supply these bath showers to homes, resorts, and hotels. We take pride in saying that we have developed a huge network of happy customers across the country.

Why Choose Dzire Luxury Showers?

We are one of the ISO-approved luxury shower manufacturers, and our professionals ensure that we maintain the same quality to offer our customers the best. Be it the design, quality, or functioning of the luxury showers we supply, we try to attain perfection in all. Our professionals not only work on the outer finishing of the luxury showers, but they also work on its interior components for regular and smooth flow of water. We have integrated several quality testing units at our manufacturing centre that helps us test the durability and performance of these luxury showers.

At DZIRE Bath, we are delivering luxury showers made of top-grade material that offers excellent resistivity to corrosion and different temperature ranges. We have equipped these showers with thermostatic valves that help them deliver both hot and cold water as required. Their smooth outer and inner finish helps in preventing them from getting clogged. These showers are available in both smooth and matte finishes, so customers can choose accordingly. Being one of the prominent shower manufacturers, we have prized them nominally to make them affordable for all. Most of our luxury showers come with a warranty on them, which shows their excellent longevity.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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